Saturday, February 16, 2008

Auto Insurance Quotes - 3 Do's and 3 Don'ts

Auto insurance quotes are not unlike many other products for which you shop online. You truly need to shop around for them. Take a look at this list of 3 things you should do and 3 things you shouldn't do when shopping for the best auto insurance quotes.
First we’ll take a look at 3 Do’s:

1) Make sure you get auto insurance quotes from at lease five auto insurance companies. Don’t jump at the first good rates you see. After all, you wouldn’t purchase the first auto you look at on the lot – shop around.

2) When submitting information required to receive your auto insurance quotes – make sure you submit information that is as accurate and complete as possible. The auto insurance quote is only as good as the information you submit.

3) Make sure the auto insurance quotes you get are for similar auto insurance policies. If the auto insurance policies are different – you won’t be able to trust the quality of the auto insurance quotes.

Now, we’ll take a look at 3 Don’ts:

1) Don’t let the sales person who contacts you with your auto insurance quotes talk you into switching to their company until you’ve had a chance to analyze the auto insurance quotes from each insurance company.

2) Don’t let flashy auto insurance gimmicks motivate your decision to change auto insurance quotes. Often these flashy gimmicks sound good – but you probably won’t even use them.

3) Don’t forget to obtain auto insurance quotes with a wide range of deductible amounts. I’ve found that by raising my auto insurance deductible amount by only a few hundred dollars – I’ve saved thousands over the long haul.

E Lawrence Welch
Mr. Welch is a student of insurance, business politics and more. You can visit his car insurance blog -
Car Insurance Snoop Additionally, he owns and operates an online retail holster store - Pyle Mountain Holsters
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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Auto Insurance Quotes - 5 Important Thoughts

Auto insurance quotes are only one side of the story. Before you commit to any one auto insurance company based solely on auto insurance quotes – consider the five following thoughts.

1) Auto insurance quotes are only quotes. Quotes are not necessarily the real auto insurance prices you will pay in the end. Don’t switch your auto insurance on a whim – after you’ve seen some handsome auto insurance quotes.

2) When seeking accurate auto insurance quotes – make sure you give information as accurate as possible. After all, the quote will only be as good as the information you’re able to offer the insurance company. Many times, the auto insurance quotes will not be valid – depending on the accuracy of the information you’ve submitted.

3) Watch out for fine print that comes with those lovely auto insurance quotes. Fine print is a fact of life – don’t miss an important detail – only to later discover the details after you’ve changed auto insurance companies. I know it’s hard to resist the auto insurance quotes – but don’t be caught off guard.

4) Don’t let auto insurance quotes be the determining factor in choosing an auto insurance company. You might save a few dollars if you’re able to hold the auto insurance company to that wonderful looking insurance quote – but you might spend the difference in aspirin for the additional headaches caused by the cheaper auto insurance company.

5) Last, if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is. This applies to auto insurance quotes as well as many other aspects of life. Do your homework – use the auto insurance quotes as a tool in conjunction with your other research and be sure to ask the company a lot of questions about those lovely auto insurance quotes.

E Lawrence Welch
General Interest Blog
E Lawrence Welch Mr. Welch is a student of business, life, love, marriage and relationships. Also, he owns and operates an online retail holster store - Pyle Mountain Holsters.
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